Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Day 8, June 2nd

Today was pretty interesting, actually. Morning classes were alright; we're currently learning the fundamentals of the European Union. They really like the word "council" in naming stuff. Apparently there are three different bodies within the EU that are considered Councils.

I'm also learning some more German, which is good. I conducted my first transaction at a store entirely in German today, which I think is spectacular.

After class was when the day really got fun, though. Micheal and I had heard that there were many local wineries in Freiburg, and that there was a store that only sold local Freiburg wine. Being a relative novice in the world of wine (as compared to Beer), we decided to check out what they had.

The people in there were incredibly nice (and spoke English!). They gave us a few free samples of some of the better wines they sold, and we decided to split a bottle of delicious locally made white wine for 11 euros (the "euro" symbol doesn't work on Blogspot...)

After that, we explored the town for some nice bread, cheese, and chocolate to eat with the wine. We got some incredible 75% pure dark chocolate, some great Brie cheese, and of course a baguette. Then we decided to head back to the park to go and have our delicious wine-bread-cheese-chocolate meal.

On the way back through the Farmers Market, we noticed a *distinctive smell* that any college student is well aware of. Certainly audacious to say the very least out in public like that. Then again, Freiburg is called by some the "California of Germany". If you don't understand what I'm talking about, then it's for the better since this is a PG-13 blog :)

In the evening, I planned to go out to a local club, which should have been nice, but was unfortunately stopped by me missing the **** little *** **** elephant **** interplanetary **** **** stupid train again (portions redacted). In fairness, this time I didn't oversleep, but instead thought we were meeting at the wrong train. Yea yea, go laugh, and then shut ur pie holes, you jerks ;)

I also have some fun plans coming up this week. I found out that my monthly rail pass goes straight into Basel, Switzerland. Thus, on Thursday I intend to visit Switzerland with a few people just for the day, which should be pretty fun. Gotta look up some fun stuff to do.

On the weekend, I'm considering going to Straussborg, which I've heard is simply beautiful. Thank you, EuroRail Pass (hopefully coming in the mail Thursday thanks to rush shipping!!)

P.S. For those of you that play Go and are reading this, apparently KGS don't work where I live. It just refuses to connect at all. I have absolutely no idea why this should be but it's pretty frustrating. Any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. As to KGS:

    How are you running it? Via JNLP from the web? Have you also tried running via the webside applet?

    Is it from the same machine you used at home (i.e., a latptop you brought with you) or a new machine there?

    If you are running via JNLP (webstart) on a different machine than usual, then there may be permission errors locally. Alternatively, even if you are running with your machine, the firewall may be blocking certain ports ... so you may need to properly configure the proxy. Knowing more should help.

    Feel free to email me or IM me (email me first for the IM addresses).

    If you haven't tried simply running the applet version, you might just try that. It's an unfortunate interface, but a sufficient one, I think.
